Last week I wrote about how more people are choosing unhealthy food to cut back on their expenses, as a result of this on-going global economic crisis.

And to follow up on that, here are some tips on how you can spend less dollars, and still eat healthy (how great  is that?!)  — based on “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides” report by a green organization called Environmental Working Group (EWG).

  • If you do not have enough budget to buy everything organic, try saving your dollars for “high-risk” produce. According to the report by EWG, produce such as peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, strawberries, lettuce, carrots and pears get highly contaminated by pesticides. (even if you rinse them before you eat) Thus, it is highly recommended that you put them on top of your list when going organic-grocery-shopping.
  • For items like onion, avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, asparagus, cabbage, kiwi, watermelon, broccoli and tomato, (more…)

Oskri Organic produces Barley Coffee

Oskri Organic produces Barley Coffee

I was reading my fave online news source “The Huffington Post“…

And now I am confused, which is not unfamiliar.

Coffee is made from coffee beans right? And Starbucks names the coffee in some sexy way and sells said coffee beans in their glorious liquid form, all jazzed up, and usually tasting pretty sexy too. Not sure how to measure a beverage’s sexy taste, but I’m also not sure how coffee can be made from soy/barley/etc.

Similarly,  soy/rice/almond/hemp/etc “milks”? I just drink soy milk in my coffee because I like it.


I’m not a fan of buzz words like green, environmentally-friendly or organic.  So, as a reader, you inevitably ask, “why name your blog ‘Green Your Kitchen?””  To which, I immediately respond by saying, “because it gets people’s attention easier and to be somewhat ironic.”

So the purpose of this blog is uneducate people on what they think they know about the environment in relation to the kitchen (what we buy, what we use, and what we eat).   Also, I want people to realize that they should place emphasis on the creation and execution of solutions instead of complaining and pointing fingers (i.e. big corporations ).

Stay tuned for more to come.